Friday 25 April 2014

High Five for Friday

1. I found troll figures all over Norway thought it would be a wasted opportunity if I didn't embarrassingly pose with one.

2. These shoes were my friend and foe during my Norway trip. They were comfortable, warm, waterproof and went with everything, yet really hurt my feet by the last day. I haven't worn them since coming home because I can't bring myself to put them on again. Okay, feet aren't exciting, moving on...

3. This yacht was one of the poshest in the marina. While eating lunch this tiny dog strutted up on deck wearing his life vest. Classy dog. 

4. My new cookbook will teach me how to be a complete Asian cookery hero! I watched their series on TV this Spring and really looking forward to trying out some of these delicious recipes.

5. We had such a great Easter weekend away in Bergen with friends. We're not really a photo crazy couple so it's a pretty great day when we manage to get a good shot together! 

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