Sunday, 31 August 2014


Matt and I discovered Netley Abbey one afternoon after could I have lived 10 minutes away and not known it was there?!

I've had a whole week off! That's what I've been upto. How did I spend it? The best way a broke girl could:

  • I had lay in every day and enjoyed the fine hobby of bed rolling (waking up and rolling around a big empty bed). 
  • Cooked breakfasts when I could be bothered and chocolate cereal when I felt like it.
  • Because I'm still looking for a flatmate my place is my own which allows for craft materials to be left strewn about and impromptu card making to take place, perfect for when midnight inspiration strikes.
  •  Coffee and lunch dates with friends and even with Matt (he's a workaholic so when I dragged him away for a lunch date I felt like a heroine). 
  • Cuddles with my dog all afternoon, enough said.
  • Bike rides and runs in the last of the summer sunshine.
  • Finishing books, starting books, finishing books, starting books...
  • Baking for and welcoming people into my new home. When people come bearing gifts of flowers, food, a coffee machine etc. they were extra welcome.
  • Discovered some new blogs and wondered how these clever women link their Google+ profile to their blog without ruining the Blogger platform. I still don't know the answer to this but have loved reading new blogs all the same.
However, fun had, now I'm bored and wanting to get back into work and get some business done! 

 Netley Abbey ruins. More information about the Abbey can be found at the English Heritage website.

He's so handsome...but not a lover of historical ruins.

My dad makes an amazing grandad.

I'm a History graduate so monuments like this have to be studied, photographed and spoken about. 

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Nanny McPhee wannabe

I've been M.I.A. this week and that's because I've been taking on the role of Nanny McPhee to three sweet kids.

I've learnt a lot from my 2 day nanny stint and I'll share a few with you (for you to laugh at me of course):

  1. When giving 3 under 7's breakfast, don't wear the same clothes you were planning to go to work in - they'll get a little covered in Nutella/milk/mashed up bagel etc. 
  2. Start the wake up and get dressed routine with the oldest NEVER the youngest - it's a little hectic keeping an eye on a hungry under 2 when she's dressed and wanting breakfast and at least one of the other kids isn't even out of bed yet. 
  3. Don't let any of them into the kitchen without you - just don't.
  4. Give a lot of time to breakfast - I never appreciated just how long it can take to eat a bagel when you're 4. 
  5. Preparation is key! Their mum left out clothes before she left for work in the evening, so the following morning this wasn't an issue. Simple.
  6. Get yourself up 15 minutes before even waking up one of the kids - it's nice to get ready for work without tripping over discarded pyjamas/nappies/soft toys and various other things which get strewn about in the morning. 
  7. If there's a loud crash upstairs during the late evening it's not always awful - ya'know, it could just be a bookcase being tipped over and when you go to check the bookcase will be ignored and he'll just ask for water, from the fridge, because you can't drink water from the tap or you'll die.
  8. Prep. your muscles to physically drag little bodies from bed. 
  9. If you haven't heard the under-2 for a few minutes, find her - she's up to something. 
  10. Laugh at yourself! I did this a lot. I did this when I couldn't buckle the car seat for the upteenth time, when I couldn't carry a toddler and a car seat and had to look a little weird across the car park as I lugged both, when we all sang to the radio in the car and when I wondered if I'd ever find the missing shoes (which were there the night before, I'm sure they were!) 
So thank you to their parents, who although this whole scenario was doubtless a little stressful, I enjoyed myself and I hope the kids did too (a little, maybe, hope so). 

Now I'm off to Starbucks to celebrate keeping 3 little humans alive and well, hooray! 

Monday, 4 August 2014

Cowes Week 2014

Okay, so I admit, we weren't competing! I would like to one day but the thought of sitting on the very edge of a yacht whilst it speeds through the ocean does stir up some fear. The four of us stormed through race starting lines and sailed into Cowes was an actual miracle given the number of boats whizzing past us at top speed.

It was a stormy day and monsoon rain showers would drench us only to be replaced with burning hot sunshine a minute later. The sea was fairly rough out in the Solent too which meant a lot of holding on and not much opportunity for sunbathing on the deck or photo taking. The above photo of the boats was zoomed in and has a filter on it hence the bad quality but we had actually just passed through the start line of their race. There were moments when I wanted to keep my eyes closed so I wouldn't have to witness 20 yachts speeding towards us!

Lunch at the pub was delicious and then it was back out onto the choppy waters to sail back to the mainland. Once back into the Beaulieu River the water was calm and the sun came out so I went onto the deck to have a snooze before mooring.

Summer Saturdays are pretty darn great!

If you're not a Southerner and want to know what Cowes Week 2014 is click here.

Meeting Sophie

Yesterday Matt and I got to meet gorgeous baby Sophie, my first niece and such a joy to our family. She was in a good mood, barely cried and enjoyed being cuddled all afternoon. I think I'm going to enjoy spoiling this little girl with aunt affection and attention!

 I tried swaddling her and failed miserably...

Ready for bed

Just look at how small and perfect she is! Also, she swung Matt's opinion of babies and for that I'm thankful.