Tuesday, 25 February 2014


I'm a lazy blogger, in fact i'm not even sure I would call myself a blogger due to the fact that I can't even get a post out a week. I enjoy reading other people's blogs though and their effort has certainly spurred me on to write more. I love keeping up with blogger's lives, their ups and downs, their comforts and their frustrations. I don't even know these people and yet I still expectantly click onto Blogger each day to catch up on their news from around the world. I'm a photo fan too, so enjoy looking through the lens of other people's daily lives. It's for that reason I promise to upload more photos of my own so anybody who actually reads this blog is given a glimpse into my world too. 

In my last post I wrote that I wanted to keep up to date with fitness progress posts. Well, that just didn't happen did it?! I haven't lost anymore weight, I've simply put on muscle, increased muscle tone and have a far greater endurance when doing cardio. I'm thinking I should lay off the leg work though, my zippers on my boots are proving to be a little tricky these days! My plans for the London Techno Run have fallen aside and instead I think i'll do the Holi Colour Run in Portsmouth this year. I've always wanted to do a Colour Run - something about the idea of people chucking brightly coloured powder over me as I struggle to reach the finish line appeals to me...

Book of the week: The Last Runaway by Tracey Chevalier
I'm a sucker for easy reads and this was a pleasure to snuggle up with this past week. Usually I stray away from Historical novels as their subtle inaccuracies drive me to irritation. This didn't dig too deep into the Historical aspect though and instead focused on fictional lives of late 19th Century migrants from the UK to the US. A young girl married into a farming family and faced with the Underground Railroad world. Thought provoking with a moral twist, it's well worth a read. 
                                                                                         Picture Source: Google Books